Zionists Lie and Again Play the Anti-Semite Card, This Time Against Rashida Tlaib


By David Starr


Zionists never miss a chance to play the anti-Semite card when someone calls out Israel on its military aggression against Palestinians. It’s as though there’s an implication there that Zionists, while playing innocent, support Israel’s war crimes. To emphasize, it seems like it’s implied. 


Take for example the Zionists in the Israeli government. Benjamin Netanyahu and his ilk consider Palestinians as “human animals” and “wild beasts.” Of course, the racism is evident, as well as the ultranationalism and myths of religious supremacy. Zionists want to establish a “Greater Israel” by stealing more and more Palestinian land. 


Gaza and the West Bank are the latest examples, with Zionists settlers forcing Palestinians off their land and out of their homes; then, the settlers take over what they stole. And there’s the destruction of Gaza, where the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have bombed it to smithereens, forcing Palestinians to flee where there’s a safe place to go, although the IOF bombs those areas while saying they are “safe zones.”


Lying has been a major part of Zionist propaganda, whether in Israel or outside of it. There’s emphasis on denial and cruelty…and the attempt to play innocent. The latest lie was told CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Accusations of anti-Semitism have been made against U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for simply stating facts. Democratic Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel spread the lie after hearing of Tlaib’s statement accusing her of an Anti-Palestinian bias. 


Tlaib’s statement was a response to Nessel’s attempt to prosecute peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters for criticizing Israel on Michigan University’s campus. Tlaib was interviewed by Detroit Metro Times reporter Steve Neavling, who strongly denied that Tlaib made anti-Semitic remarks in his article. 


To quote Neavling regarding the accusers: “I’m the reporter who interviewed Rashida Tlaib. She never said Nessel did this because she’s Jewish. You’re spreading lies.”


Here’s what Tlaib said: “We’ve had the right to dissent, the right to protest. We’ve done it for climate, the immigrant rights movement, for Black lives, and even around the injustice among water shutoffs. But it seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that speaks volumes about possible bias within the agency she runs.”


But, getting back to Tapper and Bash, the following comes from the Rational National show, which can be seen here.


To emphasize Neavling’s statement, he went further and wrote that, “Tlaib never once mentioned Nessel’s religion or Judaism. But the Metro Times pointed out the story that Nessel is Jewish, and that appears to be the spark that led to the false claims. It should be also noted that the ACLU of Michigan criticized Nessel for charging peaceful protesters at the University of Michigan.” 


Tapper and Bash offered a luke warm acknowledgment regarding Tlaib, but did not publicly apologize for their false statements. Further, Nessel double downed, continuing to claim that Tlaib is anti-Semitic, without any evidence.


Sounding like Nessel, the Anti-Defamation League national director Jonathan Greenblatt responded to the following assertion by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer that students should allowed to be safe on campus and express their right to protest. Greenblatt claimed that, “saying you want to ‘make sure that students are safe on our campuses’ is just words if you are not willing to use your bully pulpit to speak out unequivocally on antisemitism and support holding people accountable for violating the law when it affects Jews.”


Greenblatt, thus, used reactionary rhetoric without even acknowledging the massive deaths of Palestinians by Israel. And he takes the position that Israel is exempt from criticism. Israel IS NOT exempt from criticism. 


Another false claim came from Jewish Insider, expressing, “Tlaib has also claimed that Nessel is only charging the protesters because she’s Jewish,” but without quoting Tlaib. 


Meanwhile, Bash made the absurd claim that anti-Semitism is coming from both ends of the political spectrum. No, it doesn’t equal out because anti-Semitism has mostly come from the right side of the spectrum. 


Nessel accused Tlaib of using coded anti-Semitic language when she condemned widespread discrimination against Arabs in her community. Again, no evidence of antisemitism. 


People like Tapper and Bash, as well as Nessel, continue to spout all kinds of hyper accusations about Palestinians, with Hamas being their scapegoat. (Although Hamas did kill Israelis on October 7.) Nothing about the occupation, settlements, and treatment of Palestinians especially now with the destruction of Gaza, the West Bank, and, according to the British journal, The Lancet, the estimated 186,000 Palestinian deaths from shooting, bombing and starvation.


The Zionist, right-wing Israeli government is evidently committing acts that could even rival Nazi-like tactics and strategy. Considering the Holocaust, what a tragic irony. 





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