
  Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Vows to Continue AMLO’s Legacy   By David Starr   Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known as AMLO, passed the political baton to Claudia Sheinbaum, who is Mexico’s first woman president. AMLO has been president for six years and introduced the project of the Fourth Transformation, where there was more of a focus on progressive policies complimenting labor rights, and indigenous rights. Sheinbaum will continue the Fourth Transformation in order to further improve the conditions within Mexico for the many. AMLO declared he was retiring from politics.   According to  People’s Dispatch , Sheinbaum  praised AMLO in her acceptance speech  for the presidency, saying, “History and the people have judged AMLO, one of the greats, the most important leader and social fighter in modern history, the most beloved president, the best president of Mexico, who started the peaceful revolution of public life.”    AMLO has indeed been a force to be reckoned with. His  lega
  The Attempt to Promote a Left-Right Alliance Despite Irreconcilable Differences By David Starr   A Left-Right alliance sounds impossible given the foundational positions of each. But there have been attempts to establish an alliance between the two sides. The Rage Against the War Machine (RAWM) rallies have been a prominent example.   On RAWM’s web site,  there are 10 demands  which do sound impressive:   1)      Not one penny for wars in Ukraine and Gaza. 2)      Negotiate peace. 3)      Stop the war inflation. 4)      Disband NATO. 5)      Global nuclear de-escalation. 6)      Slash the Pentagon budget. 7)      Abolish the CIA and military-industrial deep state. 8)      Abolish war and empire. 9)      Restore civil liberties. 10)   Pardon Julian Assange.   But the RAWM rallies have been significantly influenced by the Libertarian Party. On its web site, the Libertarian Party  claims that it is  “your representative in American politics.” Its’ slogan is the its “The Party of Princip
  Zionists Lie and Again Play the Anti-Semite Card, This Time Against Rashida Tlaib   By David Starr   Zionists never miss a chance to play the anti-Semite card when someone calls out Israel on its military aggression against Palestinians. It’s as though there’s an implication there that Zionists, while playing innocent, support Israel’s war crimes. To emphasize, it seems like it’s implied.    Take for example the Zionists in the Israeli government. Benjamin Netanyahu and his ilk consider Palestinians as “human animals” and “wild beasts.” Of course, the racism is evident, as well as the ultranationalism and myths of religious supremacy. Zionists want to establish a “Greater Israel” by stealing more and more Palestinian land.    Gaza and the West Bank are the latest examples, with Zionists settlers forcing Palestinians off their land and out of their homes; then, the settlers take over what they stole. And there’s the destruction of Gaza, where the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have b
  The Damning Consequences of Stalin and Stalinism   By David Starr   On February 25, 1956 Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev made a  shocking report  at the 20 th  Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR in Moscow. The report was long but provided necessary details of the subject Khruschev was speaking about: the legacy of Josef Stalin and Stalinism. While the report was at times rhetorical it finally exposed “Uncle Joe.” The following is Part 1.   Khruschev used the term, “the cult of the individual,” and in Stalin’s case individuality was stretched beyond sanity. Khruschev mentioned how the cult of the individual was denounced by “the classics of Marxism-Leninism.” Marx wrote a letter to Wilhelm Bloss, a German political worker. It stated, “From my antipathy to any cult of the individual, I never made public during the existence of the [1 st ] international the numerous addresses from various countries which recognized my merits and which annoyed me. I did not even reply to them, ex
  The First Harris–Trump Debate: A Defeated, Glum Old Man vs. A Confident, Knowledgeable Younger Woman     By David Starr   The accusations were thrown back and forth in the September 10 debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump. When the dust cleared, it was Harris who was victorious.   There was a major contrast between the two debaters, Trump sounding unstable and pathologically lying, while Harris was stable and effectively throwing zingers at Trump. Harris consistently baited Trump and he fell for it.    In regards to answering questions from CNN’s moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, both debaters sniped at each other, producing a fiery debate.    How many claims by Harris and Trump were true or false?  PBS   published a fact check  from  Politifact  which broke down the claims.    Trump made a bizarre claim that Haitian immigrants were eating the neighbors’ dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio. Trump put it this way: “…they’re eating the dogs
  Cornel West Strongly Condemns Israel for its War Crimes in Gaza   By David Starr   Cornel West could be called a man  with many abilities and outlooks , such as teaching the philosophy of religion, African American critical thought, as well as knowing the classics, philosophy, cultural theory, literature, and music.   West is trying to overcome the Democratic/Republican monopoly on power by running for president in the 2024 election. It is of course a long shot, but for West, it’s the principle of the thing. One issue that West feels strongly about is the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian war.    On West’s  web site , there is a variety of policies listed, and what West would do in the first 100 days as president. A West administration “would usher in a paradigm shift in American politics.” In the foreign policy category, West would stop, “All funding and weapons to Israel immediately, promoting self-determination for both Palestinians and Israelis.”    On Instagram , West didn’t pull any